
Let’s find out more about the 1st place of Coverspick


Coverspick refers to a pick expressed in percentage format in anticipation of a team, under,

or over that is likely to win during the U.S. sports competition held on the same day by overseas sports Toto experts. The representative U.S. sports games that fall under the Cervous Pick include the U.S. Baseball MLB, the U.S. Basketball NBA, the U.S. Hockey NHL, and the American Football NFL. Coverspick is well known to people who enjoy Sports Toto and  most often checks which teams are ranked first and which teams are ranked first.

1st place on the cover

The top team in the U.S. is the team that is most likely to win by foreign sports professionals during the day,

and you can see that the percentage of the games is the highest. For Koreans, there have been rumors about the

first place on the cover, and if you are a user who enjoys Sports Toto, you may have heard at least once,

“The opposite team wins the first place on the cover.” However, there were many cases in which the

opposing team of the No. 1 Kerberus actually won, and users said, “It took the most money, so the opposing team wins by manipulating it.”

How to check the cover pick

How to check the cover pick is, the official website of the cover pick,

if you search for cover dotcom, cover pick, cover pick, MLB cover pick, NBA cover pick, NHL cover pick,

and NFL cover pick in Google search. Enter, select the sport you want from the category menu,

select Sides as a subcategory, and the percentage selected by the expert will be displayed, and the highest

percentage will be the 1st in the cover. And if you choose Totals in the subcategory, it’s the under of the

sports event that will be held that day.Displays the over reference point and

the expected percentage of results. The percentage of the canvas pick changes in real time, so it’s good to check if it changes in between.

Analysis of Curverspick

There are many ways to analyze Kerberfic because there are different ways of analyzing it from person to person, and most of the time, people bet a lot on teams. The other analysis method is that the percentage changes in real time, so you can sometimes see teams that have changed the percentage at first and the percentage at first before the game. In this case, if the starting pitcher suddenly changes or the lineup of batters is confirmed, and you can analyze the percentage changes.